Sunday, December 30, 2012

The generosity of the season really saved us this week. We barely brought home enough income to cover rent. The monetary gifts we got are what bought diapers & food for this week & next, until we get paid again. And work is giving me ZERO hours per week now. This is ... demoralizing.

This last week a very sweet, troubled man who was close to our family died. Quietly, at home, in his sleep. He always spoke about how he couldn't wait to "go home." He was tired & he was ready. He was young though. And he will be deeply missed. It's not often you have the pleasure of meeting a true angel on this earth. Paul, you were one. For all your troubles & hurdles, you were an amazing man, an inspiration. You will be missed deeply.

So as a way to avoid more complaining, here's some music I'm currently in love with.

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